By their very nature, bathrooms are moist, bacteria-ridden spaces, susceptible to mildew and mold. To help prevent bathroom mold growth and prepare for a home inspection, utilize Inspect-It 1st’s step-by-step guide.
Follow the 3 C’s to Prevent Bathroom Mold Growth
From eliminating moisture in the bathroom to regularly cleaning, use the three C’s to eliminate and prevent mold growth in your bathroom.
Cleaning and Drying
One of the best ways to prevent bathroom mold growth is to clean your bathroom once per week. Your cleaning routine should consist of:
- Wiping down surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner;
- Hanging wet towels;
- Squeegeeing shower walls;
- Scrubbing mildew rings from shampoo and soap bottles;
- Dusting all surfaces using a microfiber cloth (dust can be a food source for mold); and
- Wiping up any sitting water in the tub, sink or floor;
Additionally, you should be washing your shower liner and bath mats regularly. These items get wet every time you shower, so they are extremely susceptible to becoming moldy.
Caulking and Sealing
Mold loves growing in dark, damp places, so keep moisture out of bathroom crevices by caulking and sealing. By sealing grout between tiles and caulking the bath, toilet and shower you are preventing moisture from seeping into the crevices.
Over time, you may need to replace the sealer or caulking. To do so, scrub the area with bleach and scrape the sealer or caulking with a flat-edged screwdriver.
Circulating and Dehumidifying
Due to lack of air circulation and constant presence of moisture, mold flourishes in bathrooms. To increase circulation and dry out your bathroom, you should ALWAYS run the exhaust fan or open the bathroom window when showering. Keep the fan running or window open for an additional 30 minutes after showering.
For extra circulation, consider investing in a dehumidifier or portable air conditioner.
Identifying Mold in a Home Inspection
Common places to find bathroom mold include around the shower or toilet, under the sink, around fixtures, and surrounding the exhaust fan. Because mold can irritate allergies and even cause health conditions, it is critical to identify and eliminate mold in the home.
If you are preparing your home for sale or are preparing to make an offer on a home, contact Inspect-It 1st today. Our home inspectors can perform routine mold inspections to help you determine whether or not mold treatment is needed prior to buying or selling.