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Prepare Your Home for Fall with These 12 Tips

It’s that time again. The familiar chill in the air, the sound of crunching leaves under your feet, and the kids running after the school bus. With a new season approaching, so are new home responsibilities. It’s easy to forget about some of the steps that go into readying your house, so Inspect-It 1st is here to make your household chores a little easier. With these 12 tips, you’ll be able to prepare your home for Fall in no time.

The Best Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

From exterior maintenance to interior chores, the following tips will have your home in tip-top shape for Fall.

Exterior Maintenance:

  1. Fertilize your lawn.

This key step will help your lawn all year long. By fertilizing your lawn in the Fall, you can better protect it throughout the Winter and help it grow faster in the Spring.

  1. Clean the gutters.

If you can’t stand to do it yourself, you can hire a professional service to handle this task. If you choose to tackle the gutters yourself, be sure to clear any debris from the gutters and check for leaks. A thorough clean can help you can avoid major damage that commonly occurs from clogged gutters. While you’re up there, you should also check your roof for any missing or damaged shingles.

  1. Turn off and drain outdoor plumbing.

Faucets and sprinkler systems should be turned off, disconnected and drained completely. Ensuring your plumping is off and drained will protect pipes from freezing during the colder Winter months.

  1. Reinforce doors and windows.

Check the caulk and seals around all doors and windows before cold weather hits. For cooler climates, consider installing weatherstripping for a cost-effective way to prevent warm air from seeping out of your house.

  1. Plant bulbs.

Planning is key for a great garden. If you want your yard to bloom with flowers in the Spring, take advantage of the early Fall months to plant your bulbs.

  1. Put away outside furniture.

Be sure to store any seasonal outdoor furniture in a dry spot during the Fall and Winter. If your patio has any other decorations, don’t forget to bring them indoors to keep them from being damaged.

Interior Maintenance:

  1. Prepare your furnace.

Inspect your furnace and replace the filter before using it for the first time. After checking the system, make sure all your home’s vents are uncovered and clean.

  1. Reverse ceiling fans.

Ceiling fans aren’t just for hot Summer days. During the Fall and Winter, set your ceiling fans to spin in a clockwise direction. Changing the direction forces cool air up, and warm air down to the floor, keeping you warmer during the cooler seasons.

  1. Clean your fireplace.

Before firing it up again, make sure you clean the fireplace and chimney thoroughly. Ensure that the fireplace is rid of any soot and debris, the flue is working, and the doors are secure. Fireplaces are great to have, but they also pose serious safety hazards if they aren’t cared for properly. If you’re unsure of how to maintain your fireplace, it’s best to contact an expert.

  1. Check smoke detectors.

Come Fall, you should make sure that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have new batteries. Though this chore is small and easy to forget, checking your detectors twice a year should be a staple in your home maintenance routine.

  1. Hang heavy curtains.

If you want to spruce up your home decor, Fall is the perfect opportunity. While heavy curtains can add style points to your home, they’ll also help with keeping the warm air inside during the Winter months as an added bonus.

  1. Organize your entryway.

Organizing your entry way is a great way to remain proactive against the coming cold and wet weather. Lay down a rug to protect the floor and consider installing a storage bench. Don’t forget to hang a coat rack for guests as well!

Is your home ready for the changing seasons? With these helpful tips on how to prepare your home for Fall, prepping for a new season will be a breeze!